Shop for Local Art, aRt Cottage Gallery, Concord

The entrance to the aRt Cottage GalleryThe aRt Cottage Gallery is a charming gallery and art workshop space near downtown Concord. When I visited I was warmly invited to look at the current exhibit of Mark Jezierny and his Students. I entered the cottage while there was a class in progress, but everyone smiled at me and assured me that they did not mind the interruption. Inside the gallery a door opened to Fro's student gallery

There is much love for art in this place from the cozy planters outside to the white wood-paneled rooms decorated with art. And love for the owner FROgard Schmidt who shares her space and this love for art with all visitors. That’s why aRt Cottage is spelled with a capital R for ours, stressing the importance of community. 

Some paintings by Mark JeziernyIf you like to gift local art you should visit the aRt Cottage during the Holiday season for their 13th Annual Holiday Boutique. Shop for large and miniature paintings, jewelry, tree ornaments, and much more.  All items will be available until December 22, 2024. 

A mustached head made out of potterThe aRt Cottage is located at 2238 Mt. Diablo Street in Concord. You can visit Wednesdays – Saturdays 11am – 5pm.

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