50 things to do in Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale still celebrates its history being part of the Valley of Heart’s Delight. Drive by the Libby Water Tower, see the Murphy House with its apricot orchard, or get some chocolate covered cherries at Olson’s. Even though most of the orchards are gone, Sunnyvale still has a small town feel and lots to discover.
As always the list is in no particular order. Please let me know any comments or suggestions in the comment section below or contact me.
- Shop at the Sunnyvale Farmer’s Market, Saturdays from 9 am – 1 pm (http://uvfm.org/sunnyvale-saturday/, Murphy Ave at Washington) [also see: Eat local produce]
- Stroll along historic Murphy St. Sunnyvale’s downtown (https://sunnyvaledowntown.org/, Murphy St.)
- Let the children experience art at first hand at the ‘Hands on the Arts Festival’, annually the third Saturday in May (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events, Sunnyvale Community Center, 550 E. Remington Dr.)
- See the Challenge Course at Baylands Park (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/parks-and-trails/baylands-park, 999 E Caribbean Dr)
- Swim in one of four city operated pools (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/aquatics/pools)
- Or learn how to swim at the Sunnyvale Swim Complex (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/aquatics/pools)
- Try to spot the wild parrots (https://accordiongordon.wordpress.com/2017/07/02/the-parrots-of-silicon-valley-an-ecologists-perspective/, El Camino / Mathilda, at night at Las Palmas Park)
- See a replica of the first manufactured home, the Murphy House, also known as the Heritage Park Museum (https://heritageparkmuseum.org/, 570 E. Remington Dr.)
- Enjoy some Victorian tea time at the Heritage Park Museum (http://heritageparkmuseum.org/sample-page/programs-and-exhibits/victorian-tea/, 795 S. Wolfe Rd.)
- Drink some micro brews at the Laughing Monk Brewery or Off the Rails Brewery (https://sunnyvale.laughingmonkbrewing.com/, https://offtherailsbrewing.com/home)
- Or just pick one out of 77 brews and 6 wines on tap at The Halford (http://www.thehalford.com, 1494 Halford Ave)
- Listen to some live music at the summer series downtown, every Wednesday from June – August, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm https://sunnyvaledowntown.org/events)
- Add a little magic to your wine stroll, Magic of Sunnyvale & Wine Stroll May12, 2018, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm (https://sunnyvaledowntown.org/events, downtown)
- Golf away at Sunken Gardens or the Sunnyvale Golf Course (http://sunnyvalegolfcourses.com)
- See the oldest extant residence – Wright Ranch (http://www.sunnyvalegarden.com/beyond/sunnyvale-landmark-wright-ranch/, 1234 Cranberry Ave.)
- Laugh at a comedian, Rooster T. Feathers (http://www.roostertfeathers.com, 157 W. El Camino)
- Learn the history of lace – at the Lace Museum (http://www.thelacemuseum.org, 552 S. Murphy St.) [also see: Lace it up]
- Sit next to an Man reading a book – photo opt near the library (
http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2P7F_Out_to_Lunch_Sunnyvale_CA, 665 W. Olive Ave)
- Wander the community garden – Charles St. Gardens, self guided garden tours are every Tuesday from 11 am – 1 pm (http://charlesstreetgardens.org/csg/, 433 Charles St.) [also see: Garden for all senses]
- Eat a french dip and drink their homemade root beer at Adamson’s (http://www.adamsonsfrenchdip.com, 806 W. El Camino Real)
- Let the kids play at Las Palmas Park (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/51/456?sortn=FCAddress&sortd=asc, 850 Russet Drive) [also see: Come out and play]
- Escape a room and other fun events at the Sunnyvale Library (https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/home-library, 665 W. Olive Ave)
- Spin a pottery wheel at the open pottery studio (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/painting-and-pottery-studio, 550 E. Remington Dr)
- Or paint something at the Open Painting Studio, Monday and Tuesday 9 am – noon (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/painting-and-pottery-studio, 550 E. Remington Dr)
- Fly some drones and model airplanes at Baylands Park (https://sunnyvale.ca.gov/community/parks/default.htm, 999 E Caribbean Dr) [also see:]
- Listen to some jazz downtown, Jazz & Beyond, every Saturday starting July till the end of August, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm https://sunnyvaledowntown.org/events Murphy St.)
- Taste some mead or cider at the Rabbit’s Foot Meadery (1246 Birchwood Dr)
- Get the kids to read at Bookasaurus (http://www.leighsbooks.com, 125 S. Murphy)
- Pay tribute to the history of cannery at the Libby’s Watertower (http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/libby-s-water-tower, W. California Ave) [also see: Sunnyvale orchard treasury hunt]
- Try to see the Iron Man Museum, if you are an American citizen. (http://ironmanmuseum.com, on Hendy Ave between Sunnyvale Ave & Fair Oaks Ave)
- See what “Mr. Sunnyvale” planted (Mary Avenue and Carson Drive)
- Learn about the Valley of Heart’s Delight (http://heritageparkmuseum.org, 570 East Remington Drive) [also see: Smell the blossoms in the Valley of Heart’s Delight]
- Let the kids run at Seven Seas Park (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/70/456?sortn=FCName&sortd=asc, 1010 Morse Ave)
- Or splash at Ortega Park (636 Harrow Way)
- Don’t be crushed by the stamp mill at Murphy Park (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/52/456?sortn=FCAddress, N. Sunnyvale Ave)
- Bowl on a lawn at the Sunnyvale Lawn Bowls Club (http://svlbc.org, 250 N. Sunnyvale Ave)
- Putt-putt some miniature golf at Golfland (https://www.golfland.com/sunnyvale/, 855 E. El Camino Real)
- Eat cocohodo, a walnut pastry, and watch how it’s made! (http://www.cocohodosunnyvale.com, 1082 E. El Camino Real #6)
- Climb away at Movement Sunnyvale (https://movementgyms.com/sunnyvale/?utm_source=google-my-business&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=sunnyvale, 815 Stewart Drive)
- Sorry, Weird Stuff closed. You could find anything computer related at WeirdStuff (http://www.weirdstuff.com/, 384 West Caribbean Drive)
- See a play by the Sunnyvale Community Players (http://sunnyvaleplayers.org, 550 East Remington Drive)
- Sorry, Olson closed. Buy some chocolate covered cherries from the historic CJ Olson farmstand (https://www.cjolsoncherries.com, 348 W. El Camino Real)
- Sorry Olson closed. Or take a cherry orchard tour (https://www.cjolsoncherries.com/events/, 348 W. El Camino Real)
- Marvel at the Eichler homes (http://www.sunnyvaleeichlers.com)
- Walk the labyrinth of St John’s Lutheran Church (581-583 E. Fremont) or St Thomas’ Episcopal Church (231 Sunset Avenue) [also see: Follow the spiral/spiritual path]
- Skate at the Sunnyvale Skatepark, daily 7 am – sunset (http://sunnyvale.com/story/Sunnyvale-Skate-Park/191728, Fair Oaks Park, 540 N. Fair Oaks Ave.)
- Hike or bike the John W. Greenbelt (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/53/35?sortn=FCAddress&sortd=desc)
- See one of the Evenings of Cultural Arts shows (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events, 550 E. Remmington)
- Food trucks and games at Sports Basement, Thursdays 5 pm – 8 pm (1177 Kern Ave)
- Have a breakfast with Santa, December 9th, 2017, two sessions 8 am -9:30 am or 10:30 am – noon (https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events, Orchard Pavilion)
As always no affiliations with the mentioned businesses unless otherwise noted. Dates are for 2017. Please let me know of any changes or mistakes. All images are mine, please don’t use without permission. © 2017
* Data from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunnyvale,_California)
Fabulous job! I was waiting to see if you had Rabbit’s Foot Meadery and you did. I volunteer at the Lace Museum and we love visitors, Tuesday-Saturday 10-4, with third Friday evening open houses most months.
What a great list! Thanks for putting this together
Thank you! Please spread the word 🙂