Eat Local Produce, Farmers Market

One of many things I am thankful for living in such a beautiful area are the farmers markets. Mountain View has an especially large farmers market located near the Caltrain station, on Sunday mornings from 9 to 1. Lots of stands that grow what they sell.

Mandarin oranges at Mountain View farmers marketA few bakers and butchers and the olive guy. Someone that will sharpen your knives while you shop. You can also buy some lunch or coffee and sit down for a while. The kids usually like the entertainment, the balloon guy and the music.

I especially like the vibe. People coming together enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables, getting their flower bouquet for the week, sampling some new fruits or old varieties. The sellers proud of their offerings are very knowledgeable. Cucumbers at Mountain View farmers market

Here is a list of all the farmers markets in the area:

What is your favorite farmers market?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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