Infinity Temple by Florentine Farms

Admire the Lights, Napa Lighted Art Festival

The court house lit up by a light installation called The Dream Factory by Svitlana Reinish | Kyiv, UkraineFrom now until February 16th, 2025 Napa illuminates their downtown in their annual Lighted Art Festival

ELEMENTA by Leslie Epsztein & Camille GrossMost of the holiday lights are taken down these days, but it is still getting dark around 5:30. Napa is taking advantage of the early sundown and lights up the night with eleven light art installations.  Until January 26th you can also marvel at three projection artworks. The projection art is displayed at the Presbyterian Church, the Napa County Historic Courthouse, and the Native Sons. The church was especially impressive with a technical beautification by artists Leslie Epstein & Camille Gross. Elementa is a projection mapping artwork that presents a symphony of earth, wind, fire, and air fresco-like images.

Barrel Boy and Family by Joel Edward Sisson[Due to rain this event has been canceled!]

On February 1 from 5 pm till 6 pm, Bookmine, Napa’s independent book store, will hold a storytime in front of the Oxbow Public Market. The Glow Party on February 8th, 2025, is a family-friendly art after dark experience. Find the party at the Pearl Street bus depot from 6 pm to 8 pm.

All of these ambient displays are fun to scavenger hunt all around downtown. You might even see an art installation that is there year round. 

Camp-fire by WilhelmusvlugDownload the map for the Lighted Art Festival and enjoy a fun free activity!


Ferris wheel lit up at night

Celebrate Summer at a County Fair

Three women on a bench watching a night performance at the Woodland County FairSummertime can mean a lot of things, like traveling, swimming, eating ice cream, or meeting up at a county fair. Some of these fairs have already passed in the Bay Area, but Woodland, head of Yolo County, has its fair this weekend. 

Old posters announcing the Woodland County Fair at the Yolo County Fair MuseumThis is the largest and oldest free gate fair in California; meaning there is no entrance fee. They prepared a lot of fun activities, from live music to family fun. I can’t wait to see the racing pigs! Of course they also offer everything you expect from a county fair, like rides for all ages, delicious food options, and don’t forget to check out the livestock. 

Don’t miss a visit to the Yolo County Fair Museum and learn about the county’s history and important figures as well as seeing artifacts from the opera house. 

Corn dogs and lemonade stand with the ferris wheel in the backgroundThe current 55-acre fairgrounds site, which was the former “Blowers Ranch,” is located at 1250 E Gum Ave, Woodland, CA 95776. The 2024 Yolo County Fair will be held from August 15th to August 18th. 

Watsonville will host the Santa Cruz County Fair from September 11th to September 15th.

Mark your calendar for next year to visit other Bay Area county fairs: 

Culinary garden at the CIA at Copia, Napa

Savor the Culinary Garden at the CIA

Legend for the citrus trees of the culinary gardenNot only should you check out the ​​Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum when you are in Napa, you should also make a stop at the culinary garden. This gem of a cuisine garden is in front of the CIA at the Copia. While it features a variety of citrus trees on the right side, the main attraction is the 32-bed-garden. It is as educational as practical. Everything this edible garden has to offer is used by the CIA. In rare cases the website promises to offer any surplus at the Marketplace. Legend for the culinary garden at the CIAThe two gardeners Jacob Tracy and Rachel Kohn Obut show their love for the job and the sustainability of the land by ensuring crop rotation, no-till gardening, and an interesting array of local and climate related plants.  

Currently they are working on offering garden tours, summer produce and flower sales.Seed library at the CIA culinary garden, Napa

The little stone walls invite you to sit down and take in the beauty and smells. You could even bring lunch from the next door’s Oxbow public market. The only thing you are asked to not do is sample any produce. Nevertheless they do offer a seed library! Get inspired and start your own culinary garden.

I hope you will take some time to enjoy the culinary garden at the CIA.


Entrance to the Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum, Napa

Inspire your Culinary Creativity, Culinary Arts Museum, Napa

A sign in the Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum for the Culinary Institute of AmericaIf you are in Napa, CIA is short for the Culinary Institute of America. The CIA expanded its campus in 2015 when it bought part of the Copia, a museum and event venue that declared bankruptcy in 2008. Now this is the site for the Business part of the CIA. In 2017 the Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum opened. Named for the founder of Williams-Sonoma, this museum showcases his extensive 4,000 pieces cookware collection. 

porcelain boar headsA collection of rolling pinsChuck Williams through his store and cookbooks introduced Americans to French cooking and authored more than 100 cookbooks. At the museum you will be greeted by porcelain boar heads and everything you need to butcher an animal. If that is not your area of interest maybe you’ll like the 30 different rolling pins? I was fascinated  by the wall of shiny copper bundt pans. Additionally, the old mixer and mixing utensils are ingenious pieces of equipment. 

A wall full of shiny copper bundt pansAlthough by any standards a small museum, it is still worth the trip and admission is free. Opening hours are every day from 11 am to 5 pm; except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. The Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum is located on the second floor of the CIA at Copia, 500 1st Street, Napa, CA. I recommend you stop at the gift shop afterwards, if you like cookbooks and the latest and greatest of cookware.

Do you have a favorite kitchen utensil?

Sign for di Rosa with red sculpture in the back

Picnic and Art, di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, Napa

Sculpture at the upper sculpture garden at di Rosa, NapaOnce the rain is gone I’m looking forward to a picnic. A classic spot for a picnic is Napa. You can combine it with wine tastings surrounded by vineyards. If you want to step up your game, impress someone special, or just not into wine, I recommend visiting di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art.  

View of gallery 1 at di Rosa, NapaDi Rosa hosts two galleries with a focus on contemporary artists from the Bay Area. However, there is much more to discover. Located in a nature preserve within wine stocks, you walk by sculptures, an immersion of nature and art.   

Painted beans by Willian AllanWhen we visited last weekend we saw Willian Allan’s Negotiations with Eden in gallery 1. Allan was a leading figure in the Bay Area’s Funk scene in the 1960s and 70s. His fish paintings show off a whimsical trait reflected again with the painted beans in a few display cases. This playful view on art, e.g.,  lucky number beans or birds eyes painted on beans, continues in his photographs where he reveals an eye for nature’s curiosities. Negotiations with Eden is open until May 14th, 2023. 

View of gallery 2 at di Rosa, NapaGallery 2 is labeled The Incorrect Museum – di Rosa’s permanent collection with a focus on ‘beat,’ ‘funk’ and other key movements in Bay Area art history. My favorite was the house of bottles in an outside area: Mildred Howard’s Memory Garden Phase 1. You can actually go inside the bottle house! 

Sign that reads: sculpture meadow closed due to conditionsDue to the heavy rain the sculpture meadow, as well as another installation, were closed to the public. A bit unfortunate since I was looking forward to seeing the sculptures. However, while there were some sculptures on the way to the gallery 2, I can see myself returning on a sunny day with some friends, a picnic basket, and enjoying the sculpture garden and installation we missed. 

On the second Sunday of the month they also offer nature hikes through the Sculpture Meadow and up the northern side of the property. Hikes start at 10 am, advanced tickets are required.

Bottles of Mildred Howard’s Memory Garden Phase 1di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art is located on 5200 Carneros Highway in Napa, CA. General Admission is $20, senior, military and students are $17, under 17 free. Opening hours are Friday to Sunday, 11 am – 4 pm. 

Do you know of great picnic spots?