When we arrived at the Urban Tilth, an urban farm in North Richmond, we struggled to find the entrance. But after we walked around it was clear we found much more than just a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) produce distribution center and urban farm. Urban Tilth’s vision is to be North Richmond’s farm and a neighborhood anchor for the whole community.
Multiple information signs show the future farm. Here are architectural drawings of a cafe, a native plant nursery, a workshop area, and many more ideas. You can see some of the buildings already in place. It was exciting to see how this idea takes shape. We also met some people working for the CSA. Everyone was passionate about being here. The produce looks great and walking around the old greenhouses we could see the potential.
They are not just organizing a fair food system. They want to transform it into a life-affirming system that creates a healthy, sustainable, and just community. I know they have the power to drive for change.
There are so many ways to become part of this movement. You can support Urban Tilth and get involved as a volunteer, learn about their educational programs, order their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) produce, or donate.