It is always great to hear water running down a creek and catching the sight of a waterfall. Mill Valley’s Cascade Falls is a short drive from downtown, up Cascade Road. Be aware the parking is very limited. You can also walk up Cascade Drive and marvel at the imposing houses along this curvy road.
On entering the park you will quickly come upon a split in the road. The right path leads over a bridge to the waterfall. It is a short hike and any further hike is blocked off for now. We first went up the left path. When asked some passersby about the waterfall they directed us back and mentioned that the water is getting low.
I still found the amount of falling water from the maybe 10 feet drop impressive and calming.
There is also a bench where you can take in the scenery and listen to the burble.
According to my research Three Wells (three swimming holes) is nearby. When you take the left path going up you can see two of the swimming holes below.
Cascade Falls is located in Cascade Park, at 420 Cascade Drive, Mill Valley 94941.
Have you listened to a waterfall burble recently?